Do the nice thing!
Do you struggle to find compassion and give grace throughout your day? One bad thing happens and suddenly the day goes downhill from there? Ever look back at your day and wonder why you weren’t nicer to everyone in your path? You’re not alone. We all struggle at times to keep an upbeat, pleasant mood. Some times we just need to stop, breathe, and a gentle reminder of why it’s important to do the nice thing.
First, let’s dial back and look at the definition of ‘Nice’: pleasant, good-mannered, kind, requiring careful thought or attention. Being ‘nice’ doesn’t have to mean bending over backward and putting your needs last. Being nice to others can go such a long way in their day and create a ripple effect.
Remind yourself today—as much as you are trying hard to do all.the.things, remember, so is everyone else.
We are all doing the best we can!
Each person is carrying their own burdens.
Sometimes they are not visible on the outside.
Life still feels different... and there are “regular” life pressures added to an already overwhelming world.
Sometimes even *we* don’t even realize the stress we are under.
Remember that we are all human with real feelings, going through our own set of challenges.
Be nice.
Be kind.
Be gentle. others
...and especially, be
kind, and
to yourself.