
About Jen Meeks

Meditation Enthusiast. Lifelong Learner. Enneagram Guide. Intentionally Leaning into Life.


 My Story

There was a time I anxiously wondered if I was showing up in my life the way I truly wanted to. As a self-critical people pleaser, I wondered what people thought about me. I questioned if I was showing up as myself or if I came off as anxious and overly talkative. I felt hung up on things in the past—things that had gone badly—and was full of doubt, I constantly questioned my words and actions. I wasn’t enjoying the current moment because I was so wrapped up in the past and worried about what I would do or say next. Even though I knew I was doing this, I was frustrated that it continued to happen to me.

Until I realized I wasn’t a victim.

I could make a change.

If only I could change my behavior—one interaction, one moment at a time.

At first I caught myself in the moment and recognized those “things” I always did—zoned out in a conversation, negatively reacted to my children, and the list goes on. It was SO frustrating I kept repeating negative behaviors even though I was aware I was doing them.


Then I discovered meditation.

I used to think of meditation as people sitting awkwardly on the floor chanting out loud. That didn’t sound like something for me—I’m a mom of three, not a monk.

What I learned is that meditation doesn’t necessarily mean holding a difficult position or sitting still for hours. In my practice, meditation is finding stillness, being silent (even for a few breaths) and becoming conscious—of sensations in my body, feelings in my heart, and quieting the chatter in my mind. The goal is awareness and reminding myself to switch back from autopilot to live with intention and purpose.

Once I established a rhythm of meditation each day, I craved it. Not only did it feel good, I noticed a shift in my attention. I was able to clearly know what was for me and what wasn’t (and I started saying NO).

I was responding rather than reacting.

I felt like a more genuine version of me.

My confidence snowballed. When I was alone, I got to know myself better. Things that didn’t matter fell away, leaving the most precious parts with so much room to grow. Now I had space to feel the most important feelings, think about the most important things and do the most important work.

Now I notice when I’m short on patience with my family. When I start questioning or doubting if I was fully present for a conversation—that is my cue! Come back to yourself, find inner quiet, then rejoin your life.

I can show you how. Let me guide your way.




More about Jen’s expertise

Jen’s experience includes speaking, leadership development, facilitation and working with teams. Her clients range from Fortune 500 organizations to individuals seeking personal growth.

Jen earned a master’s degree in Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management from Southern Methodist University and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Bethany College.

Jen is pursuing her certification through The Narrative Enneagram and also trained at the Enneagram Institute. Jen has learned from some of the most well-known Enneagram teachers in the world who have been doing their own spiritual and personal work for decades.

She has experience with a variety of other psychological and personality assessments in addition to the Enneagram, including MBTI, DISC, Strengths Finder and colors/temperaments.

Jen lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and three daughters.